Categories Citrix Microsoft Citrix ADC GSLB on Microsoft Azure Step-by-Step SamPosted on21 October 201921 October 2019 This blog post is cross posted on and, as we (Arnaud Pain and Samuel Legrand) have decided to … Continue ReadingCitrix ADC GSLB on Microsoft Azure Step-by-Step Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInWhatsApp
Categories Azure Microsoft Update Microsoft Azure Local Network Gateway IP SamPosted on28 February 201926 February 2019 When you are running your home lab you often have to deal with dynamic IP … Continue ReadingUpdate Microsoft Azure Local Network Gateway IP Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInWhatsApp
Categories Azure Citrix Microsoft Use a Cloud Witness for a Microsoft SQL Always On AG SamPosted on26 February 201926 February 2019 In the last article I explained why using Microsoft Azure for a Failover Clustering witness … Continue ReadingUse a Cloud Witness for a Microsoft SQL Always On AG Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInWhatsApp
Categories Azure Citrix Microsoft First step to the Cloud using Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure ASR SamPosted on4 February 20193 February 2019 This blog post is cross posted on and, as we (Arnaud Pain and … Continue ReadingFirst step to the Cloud using Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure ASR Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInWhatsApp
Categories Citrix Communauté des Experts Citrix SamPosted on3 June 20133 June 2013 First of all : un grand merci à Serge NIANGO et toute l’équipe pour l’organisation de … Continue ReadingCommunauté des Experts Citrix Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInWhatsApp